Thursday, February 14, 2008

Deploy Flex App as a WAR file on Tomcat.

1. Build the Flex app, say "HelloWorld".
2. Create a temp directory.
3. Copy everything out of the Flex HelloWorld bin directory to temp.
4. In temp create a META-INF and WEB-INF directory.
5. In temp type: jar cvf HelloWorld.war *
6. Use the Tomcat Manager web application to deploy the HelloWorld.war file.

Can't upload war files to Tomcat on Windows.

You try to use the Manager to upload a war file. It fails with the following message:

root cause:
"java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/io/output/DeferredFileOutputStream

The real root cause is that Tomcat on Windows missing the commons-io jar file the Tomcat manager code needs to work.

1. Download commons-io-1.4.jar.
2. Place the file in /common/lib
3. Restart Tomcat.

Note the last step is very important. The Tomcat manager won't be able to use the functionality in commons-io to upload war files until you do this.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Google should just buy AOL and Alta-Vista

Instead of whining about Microsoft's bid on Yahoo Google should just up the ante and go after AOL and Alta-Vista.

Vote Early - Not

OK. I learned my lesson. I did the mail-in thing early and my guy dropped out. I'm not doing that again!